
Monday, July 27, 2009

Increase in RTGS timings-Is it required

Increase in RTGS timings-Is it required

Banks may change timings if bourses extend trading

At present RTGS Session Time on week ends is 9.00am to 6.00pm, and than again 7.00pm to 7.30pm

However, the above timings may have to be revised if SEBI, decides to incrae the market hours of trading in exchanges. The Securities and Exchange Board of India had placed a discussion paper titled “Increase in market hours of trading in exchanges” on its Web site on March 19 for seeking public comments.

Mr Namo Narain Meena, Minister of State for Finance, told the Lok Sabha in a written reply, on 24th July, 2009 that Banks and other financial institutions are likely to change their timings if the capital market regulator were to allow stock exchanges to extend their trading hours, the Lok Sabha was informed today.

At present, the longest RTGS Session time is in New Zealand, i.e 23 hours 30 minutes on week days.
Surprised, for confirmation just visit this link

However, it is to be seen, if there will be increase in customer session timings or only inter-bank session timings, or will the settlement sessions take place, with breaks in between.

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