
Showing posts with label Product Launch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Launch. Show all posts

Monday, May 3, 2010

EPFO and NPS – Competition better for the customers

EPFO and NPS – Competition better for the customers.

What is EPFO ?

EPFO stands for Employee Provident Fund Organisation.
The Employees' Provident Fund, India Head office is at
Location               :      14, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
                                       Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan,
                                       New Delhi-110 066

e-mail                     :

The Constitution of India under "Directive Principles of State Policy" provides that the
State shall within the limits of its economic capacity make effective provision
  • for securing the right to work,
  • to education
  • and to public assistance in cases
    1. of unemployment,
    2. old-age,
    3. sickness &
    4. disablement and undeserved want.

The EPF & MP Act, 1952 was enacted by Parliament and came into force with effect from 14th  March,1952.

A series of legislative interventions were made in this direction, including the Employees' Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. 

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, India, is one of the largest provident fund institutions in the world in terms of members and volume of financial transactions that it has been carrying on.

Extracted from the Website of EPFO

Main features of the New Pension System: -

Main Features and Architecture of the New Pension System

  • The new pension system would be based on defined contributions. It will use the existing network of bank branches and post offices etc. to collect contributions. There will be seamless transfer of accumulations in case of change of employment and/or location. It will also offer a basket of investment choices and Fund managers. The new pension system will be voluntary.

Extracted from the PFRDA Website.

          Recent news articles have pointed out that due to increased competition from NPS (National Pension Scheme), EPFO is in the process of transforming its customer service department.

The main features in its proposed customer service initiatives are

01)   Updating the Mobile numbers of its subscribers. This will enable EPFO to inform its subscribers of any important changes pertaining to their account. The most important being the credit of their PF amount to their Bank Account.

The next and most electrifying initiative is to gradually move to NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) for its payments to its account holders, instead of the old fashioned paper cheques.

As of 26/04/2010, 95 Banks with their 67,354/- branches are part of the NEFT network.
This constitutes 95% of Indian Bank Branches, excluding the Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks. So a large majority of the EPFO customer’s Bank accounts are under the ambit of the NEFT.

This is stimulating news for the growth of Volumes of NEFT and is an important step for achieving the 70%-30% dream of NPCI in the Indian Retail Payments scenario.

I foresee the following benefits that EPFO and the Indian Banking System, will accrue on switching over from the paper based cheques to NEFT

01) Faster delivery of the customer’s funds to their respective bank accounts.
02)                       Faster reconcialtion of transactions, as the NEFT transactions have to be credited at T+2 Batch settlement or Returned to the Beneficiary.
03)                       Reduced carbon print due to the reduction in paper cheques.
04)                       Huge spurt of NEFT Volumes.
05)                       New converts to ePayments, as the EPFO employees and EPFO account holders will be familiar with the benefits of NEFT.

The below table highlights the number of member claims settled by EPFO.

No. of Claims ( In Lakhs)
No. of Claims ( In Lakhs)
No. of Claims
(In lakhs)
Provident Fund Claims
Partial Withdrawal/ Advances
Transfer Cases
Monthly Pension Claims (MPC)
Employees' Pension Claims (all other benefits)
E.D.L.I Claims

This means 70lacs + transactions can immediately be part of the NEFT Cycle.
It can be observed that the number of claims settler every year is on the increase.

However, for this customer service initiative to be successful, EPFO should initially do a mass cleaning up exercise.
After the initial exercise, it is better the cycle be followed every six months or at least yearly, to shave its customer’s bank account numbers up to date.

Currently the EPFO has 5 crores subscribers spread over all over India.
As this number is very large, EPFO can concentrate on the 10 cities to clean up the Bank Account Numbers and gradually cover all its subscribers.
I suggest the following process flow:

01) Collate the Top 10 cites EPFO subscribers list.
02)                        Write to them, that EPFO is switching over to NEFT and hence request for the Bank Account numbers along with the IFS Codes.
03)                       Once 80% + of the subscribers respond, initiate a Re1/- dummy transaction, to the subscribers accounts through the NEFT.
04)                       In case of success, update appropriately in the EPFO software package.
05)                       In case of failure, inform the subscriber accordingly.

This exercise to be repeated every year.

If the above is cumbersome and costly, another option is

01) Compile the Subscribers list Bank Wise.
02)                       Filter the list to only NEFT Participant Banks.
03)                       Prepare individual bank list with complete particulars.
04)                       Forward the list to the respective controlling Bank office, with a request to inform the valid account numbers and also their respective IFS Codes.
05)                       Follow up only with those subscribers, whose bank accounts are invalid.

The above is a more simple way.

Last not but the least, the switching over from physical cheques to NEFT, is a golden opportunity for IT   Companies to be part of a major IT project.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NPCI - Homepage Revamped.

National Payments Corporation of India, has revamped its website's homepage.
It has added a new background colour 
A Logo has been added - A revolving Ball in a green ring.
The NPCI Styling too has been changed.

Please find enclosed the screen-shot of the new revamped NPCI Homepage.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

NEFT SMS/Email - NEFT New Features from 01/March/2010 – Part II

One of the main reasons for the NEFT Volumes not to ZOOM was the absence of any Message to the Sender that the Beneficiary’s account has been credited or the funds returned back to his account.

Around 60% of the customer complaints either to Reserve Bank of India, or to their respective Banks was the request for a confirmation message that the NEFT Funds have been credited as per the Reserve Bank of India’s timelines.

The major difference between RTGS and NEFT being the Value, in RTGS the transactions was closely monitored at all levels. However, as NEFT has been designed for High Volumes, it is virtually impossible to manually monitor each transaction.

To overcome the lacunae of the Positive Confirmation, Reserve Bank of India, in it’s latest guidelines has sought to introduce the facility of Positive Confirmation.

In lay-man terms, the process flow is explained in the below chart.

The main highlights are:-

01)                      The NEFT Ordering Customer will receive a SMS/Email, on credit/non-credit of the funds to the Beneficiary Account.
02)                     Reserve Bank of India, is clear that the positive confirmation or negative confirmation is to be transmitted to the Ordering Customer.
03)                     There is a detailed process flow for CBS Branches as well as Non-CBS Branches.

Friday, February 5, 2010

NEFT New Features from 01/March/2010 (01/03/2010)

   NEFT New Features from 01/March/2010 (01/03/2010)
        Today a ground-breaking Circular was released by Reserve Bank of India’s, Department of Payments and Settlement System, on new features in National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) System

The Circular No is :RBI/2009-10/305 - DPSS CO EPPD No.168 / 04.03.01 / 2009-2010 dt.February 5, 2010 addressed to  all - The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of all member banks participating in NEFT

It can be accessed @

I require some time to digest it and present it to the benefits of the viewers.

In short, the Diagram hereunder, will provide a Bird’s eyeview.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Andhra Bank-Drive Up ATM inaugurated.

   Andhra Bank-Drive Up ATM inaugurated.

Andhra Bank has taken 1 more customer-friendly step in the ePayments Arena. On 29/01/2010, Andhra Bank's Executive Director, Sri Anil Girotra, inaugurated  Bank's  1st  Drive Up  ATM  in  India  at  the prestigious  Secunderabad  Club, in Secundrabad.

Hyderabad-Secunderabad are twin cities.

The Details can be can be accessed at Andhra Bank's website, and also at the following links:-

Drive Up ATM's will encourage customers to try the other options available in the ATM, apart from the normal routine of withdrawing Cash.

In fact, I personally feel, that the Drive Up ATM's should be accessed for options other than Cash.
What is a Drive Up ATM?

A Drive Up ATM is free standing ATM, in which the customers can execute the ATM Transactions from the comfort of their vehicles.

This is the main differentiator between a Drive Up ATM and a normal ATM.

In a normal ATM, the customers have to enter the ATM Lobby to execute the ATM transactions, however in Drive Up ATM's the customer can execute the transactions from the comfort of their vehicles.

Can this be treated as a Product Launch?
Strictly speaking it is not a product launch, but definitely a sub-product launch.
This can be a good brand-building exercise for Andhra Bank.

Apart from the normal precautions to be adhered in ATM transactions, the customers have to extra-vigilant while accessing a Drive Up ATM.
In my view, this are the most important things to be kept in mind.
1.      Be sure, no one is watching you, when you are withdrawing Cash from a Drive Up ATM.
2.      As far as possible, transact only when you have company with you.
3.      Make sure all passenger car doors are locked and windows are up.
4.      Do not leave your car unlocked or the engine running when you get out to use an ATM.

As Andhra Bank has located it's first Drive Up ATM in Secundrabad Club, the security aspect must have been taken care.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Andhra Bank – Launch of Telebanking

Andhra Bank – Launch of Telebanking

Andhra Bank, has taken one more step to listen to it’s customers by the launch of Tele-Banking.

Tele-banking has been introduced on completion of the Core Banking Solution (CBS) roll-out.
For Tele-Banking to be successful, a CBS in place is a pre-requisite. Otherwise, customer data residing in various Physical Locations, across different Software Platforms, will defeat the Tele-Banking experience.

Hence, in my opinion Andhra Bank has taken the right step of launching Tele-Banking, only after ensuring that CBS is complete.

Tele-Banking is an important tool, to reduce the customer’s queries at the branch level. At the same, Tele-Banking, aids an organization to deliver superior customer service.

The Details of the various current facilities Andhra Bank offers through its Tele-Banking Channel, can be accessed at

The instructions are simple, easy-to-understand and satisfy 50% of the customer’s requirement.

Of course, like every new launch, there will be initial hiccups. But, I am sure Andhra Bank’s Team; view’s such hiccups, as a learning process, to enhance customer delight.

Delighted customers are those where you anticipate their needs; provide solutions to them before they ask and where you are observing to see if new and/or additional expectations are about ready to be required.
This is all "easy to say and difficult to do"; but, through commitment and practice you will soon achieve positive results. 

To me Tele-Banking is an important tool, for marketing ePayments amongst the customers.
The Customer Service Executives at the Tele-Banking can be guided to recommend ePayments to customers.
I personally feel, that Customer Service Executives, will receive more calls enquiring about RTGS Credits, than any other queries!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HFDC Bank ATM’s – 40% faster

HFDC Bank ATM’s – 40% faster

The race to retain the ATM Transactions on their network has begun amongst the banks.
An ATM transaction of its customers on its own network is cheaper than the same transaction on another bank’s ATM Network. This is because the Bank need not pay Interchange Fees for transactions on its own Networks. Plus, the more number of transactions, the lesser will be the average ATM maintenance cost.

At the same time, with more and more features being added to ATM’s, it makes sense for Banks to encourage customers to use their own ATM Network, instead of other banks ATM’s.

Hence, a differentiator is vital, to attract its own customers to its ATM Network.
In this regard, Corporation Banks, facilities viz:NEFT Transfer, Tax Payments at its ATM, is a pioneer.

HDFC bank has taken a different route, and is focusing on the primary purpose of an ATM i.e to dispense Cash.

The readers are familiar with the ‘Myfavourite’, jargon in PC’s/Mobiles/TV’s/Ac’s/Washing machines/Web browsing.
HDFC has extended the ‘Myfavourite’ theme to its ATM’s too.

It has reduced the steps necessary to withdraw Cash from its ATMs, by inserting a ‘Myfavourite’ option.

The ‘Myfavourite’, option apart from speeding up the transaction time, also aids HDFC Bank in reducing the Electricity cost at its ATM’s and also aids in t
the increase of average number of transactions.

To make this new option, HDFC Bank has unveiled a TV Advertisement campaign.

I am wondering whether the ‘Myfavourite’, option is open only for HDFC Bank Account Holders or is it accessible to other Bank Account holders too?
Ok, folks, I am an optimist!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Cheers, Reserve Bank of India, has increased the threshold limits for Mobile Banking from Rs5,000/Rs10,000 to Rs.50,000/-.

This is the Christmas Gift to Indian Banks and Banking consumers, IT Companies from Reserve Bank of India. Now, it is up to the Banks, as to how they package and market this new product.

In my opinion, the upper levels have been increased in a span of 1 year, due to the following reasons: -
01) Demand by Banks.
02)                       Demand by Bank’s Customers.
03)                       Confidence in the Security Levels of Transactions
04)                       Confidence in the System regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Know Your Customer norms(KYC).

As usual, the Notification contains two superb punches.
01)  Transactions up to Rs 1000/- can be facilitated by banks without end-to-end encryption. The risks associated in this transactions, have to be handled by the Bank’s themselves, with appropriate Security Measures in place.
This should reduce the cost of transactions to Banks, and encourage them to aggressively market this product.

02)  The second punch is also a wonderful addition to the Product. The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.                                                              

Yes, you have read it correct!!! “The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.

These is a very progressive step, and now trust all the stake-holders will be interested to encourage this product.

Better read the complete Reserve Bank of India, Notification @

What is not clear to me is how the recipient will withdraw Cash through ATM/Business Correspondent.  What will be the modus-operandi involved.
Of course, some new ideas will emerge, no doubt.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Remittance Facility Launched-State Bank of India, DBS tie-up.
Indian Based Singaporeans have one more channel to remit money to their loved in Indians via DBS2SBI Remittance

More details of this tie-up can be accessed @

The highlights this facility is : -
01)                      Till now DBS Singapore customers could transfer funds to only the 10 DBS Branches in India.
02)                     With the above tie-up, DBS Singapore Customers will be able to transfer funds straight to 16,000 + State Bank Group Branches on a T+1 day settlement basis.
03)                       With the above tie-up, DBS Singapore Customers will be able to transfer funds straight to 40,000 + Indian Bank ‘s NEFT enabled  Branches on a T+2 day settlement basis.
04)                     To remit funds, customers will have to initiate the remittance via SBI’s online remittance service E-Remit at
05)                     There are two steps for effecting the Remittance Transactions.
a)    To remit funds using DBS2SBI, consumers first need to initiate the remittance via SBI’s online remittance service E-Remit.
b)   Using the reference number, consumers would then need to perform a separate bill payment to SBI using DBS’ online banking channel.

As of now, I am unable to locate the details of the charges for this facility either or SBI, Singapore Net Site or DBS Site.
State Bank of India, Singapore site is not clear regarding failed transactions.
Maybe, this will be addressed in the coming days.


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