
Showing posts with label brain-wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain-wave. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Topic of the Week - ePayments-An Alternate to Forged Notes

ePayments-An Alternate to Forged Notes

For the last couple of days, some newspapers have published articles on circulation of forged currency notes in India. The same news was picked up by other media providers viz: TV Channels, Net Sites, Blogs.

Hence, Reserve Bank of India, immediately issued a clarification vide a Press Release.
The Press Release can be accessed at

The same Media Providers, have published articles saying that consumers Rs500/- notes are being subjected to intense scrutiny by shop-owners/staff

My question to all of you is why you don’t use your credit/debit card, instead of a 500 /- Rupee Note.
In my view, Rs500/- is used most, at the following locations
01) Petrol Station
02) Restaurants
03) Hotels
04) Super Markets
05) Cloth Show rooms
06) Education Fees
07) Hospitals

Majority of the above locations, are equipped with POS for Credit/Debit Card Transactions. Hence using your Credit/Debit Cards, will save you the embarrassment of the shop-attendant closely, scrutinizing your Rs.500/- Note.
At the same time, you can experience the magic of ePayments.

However, the following are to be kept in mind

01) Always let the Credit/Debit Card be in your view.
02) Never reveal the Pin Number to anyone.
03) Preserve the Transaction Slip, till your Statement of Account arrives.

Folks, enter the thrilling world of ePayments

Friday, July 24, 2009

ePayments - Standard Helpdesk Contact Details of Participant Banks.

ePayments - Standard Helpdesk Contact Details of Participant Banks.

One of the reasons for the low volumes in ePayments in our country, is the lack of Helpdesk’s for ePayments in Banks.

The FAQ of Reserve Bank of India, only say that the customer
Q13. Whom do I can contact, in case of non-credit or delay in credit to the beneficiary account?
Ans Contact your bank / branch. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, the Customer Service Department of RBI may be contacted at -
The Chief General Manager,
Reserve Bank of India,
Customer Service Department,
1st Floor, Amar Building, Fort,
Mumbai - 400001
or send and


Nothing more, nothing else

As a customer, I will be interested in resolution of my query at the earliest, as money is involved.

A query on Search Engines, for RTGS Contact Details, does not generate uniform results.

Of course, majority of the Banks have Toll Free Customer Care Numbers, which try to resolve the customer’s query.

The idealistic situation is a Toll Free Number for ePayments.

An alternate approach is to standardize the email id’s of ePayments Helpdesk of Banks.

I suggest the following format,
Email id epaymentshelp@rest of address
Contact Phone Numbers
This information should be
01) Circulated amongst Bank’s Customers
02) Displayed in the Contact Us Link of the Banks website.
The above step will be a major comfort factor, to customers, to venture into ePayments.

This information will also aid RTGS/NEFT Member Banks, in resolution of their queries.

Trust Reserve Bank of India, DPSS, will shortly issue a Circular for Standard Helpdesk Contact Details.


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