
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HFDC Bank ATM’s – 40% faster

HFDC Bank ATM’s – 40% faster

The race to retain the ATM Transactions on their network has begun amongst the banks.
An ATM transaction of its customers on its own network is cheaper than the same transaction on another bank’s ATM Network. This is because the Bank need not pay Interchange Fees for transactions on its own Networks. Plus, the more number of transactions, the lesser will be the average ATM maintenance cost.

At the same time, with more and more features being added to ATM’s, it makes sense for Banks to encourage customers to use their own ATM Network, instead of other banks ATM’s.

Hence, a differentiator is vital, to attract its own customers to its ATM Network.
In this regard, Corporation Banks, facilities viz:NEFT Transfer, Tax Payments at its ATM, is a pioneer.

HDFC bank has taken a different route, and is focusing on the primary purpose of an ATM i.e to dispense Cash.

The readers are familiar with the ‘Myfavourite’, jargon in PC’s/Mobiles/TV’s/Ac’s/Washing machines/Web browsing.
HDFC has extended the ‘Myfavourite’ theme to its ATM’s too.

It has reduced the steps necessary to withdraw Cash from its ATMs, by inserting a ‘Myfavourite’ option.

The ‘Myfavourite’, option apart from speeding up the transaction time, also aids HDFC Bank in reducing the Electricity cost at its ATM’s and also aids in t
the increase of average number of transactions.

To make this new option, HDFC Bank has unveiled a TV Advertisement campaign.

I am wondering whether the ‘Myfavourite’, option is open only for HDFC Bank Account Holders or is it accessible to other Bank Account holders too?
Ok, folks, I am an optimist!!

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