
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Andhra Bank – Launch of Telebanking

Andhra Bank – Launch of Telebanking

Andhra Bank, has taken one more step to listen to it’s customers by the launch of Tele-Banking.

Tele-banking has been introduced on completion of the Core Banking Solution (CBS) roll-out.
For Tele-Banking to be successful, a CBS in place is a pre-requisite. Otherwise, customer data residing in various Physical Locations, across different Software Platforms, will defeat the Tele-Banking experience.

Hence, in my opinion Andhra Bank has taken the right step of launching Tele-Banking, only after ensuring that CBS is complete.

Tele-Banking is an important tool, to reduce the customer’s queries at the branch level. At the same, Tele-Banking, aids an organization to deliver superior customer service.

The Details of the various current facilities Andhra Bank offers through its Tele-Banking Channel, can be accessed at

The instructions are simple, easy-to-understand and satisfy 50% of the customer’s requirement.

Of course, like every new launch, there will be initial hiccups. But, I am sure Andhra Bank’s Team; view’s such hiccups, as a learning process, to enhance customer delight.

Delighted customers are those where you anticipate their needs; provide solutions to them before they ask and where you are observing to see if new and/or additional expectations are about ready to be required.
This is all "easy to say and difficult to do"; but, through commitment and practice you will soon achieve positive results. 

To me Tele-Banking is an important tool, for marketing ePayments amongst the customers.
The Customer Service Executives at the Tele-Banking can be guided to recommend ePayments to customers.
I personally feel, that Customer Service Executives, will receive more calls enquiring about RTGS Credits, than any other queries!!!

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