
Showing posts with label Mobile Banking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile Banking. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Six Polish banks join hands for a mobile payments system to take on card schemes

            Six Banks in Poland viz Alior Bank, Bank Millennium, Bank Zachodni WBK, BRE Bank, ING Bank Śląski and PKO Bank Polsk, have a 70% share in Poland’s electronic banking market. These 6 banks have joined hands to form a joint venture. 

          The joint venture main aim is to define a common standard for mobile payments, which if successful, will cut down the reliance on Visa and MasterCard in the Polish eBanking arena.  The new standards will be developed under the guidance of the national regulator.

The offering is modeled around PKO Bank's IKO app, which was launched in March and lets customers make in-store payments and ATM withdrawals by keying in a code generated by the app. Customers can also send money to recipients by entering their mobile phone number, like Barclays Pingit in the UK.

The proposed system is designed to bypass card firms, a fact that PKO's MD of electronic banking, Wojciech Bolanowski, admitted at MobeyDay last month, Visa was "not happy about".
Bank Millennium CEO Boguslaw Kott has openly admitted that the group is challenging Visa and MasterCard, telling Reuters: "This will be a more competitive system compared to the credit card system. The credit card system will probably be put under a question mark in the future."

            The differentiator between the new Polish Collaboration in comparison with like Spain and the UK, is that the Polish system has the backing of only financial institutions and not a combination of telcos and financial institutions.

            None of the six will have a dominating position, each using the same platform and then adding their own extra features, while the group says it is also open to bringing other banks and acquirers onboard.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

IMPS – Launch news in the 2nd week of September 2012

            In the 2nd week of September 2012, 3 Banks with different IMPS sub-products have gone live.
01) On 13/09/2012, Central Bank of India has gone live on Internet Banking channel for IMPS transactions 
In January 2012, Central Bank of India had launched a ‘Go Green Campaign’. The main focus of the campaign was to motivate the customers to : -
- Opt for e-statements
- Use internet banking (24 x 7) for banking transactions
- Use e-voucher machine for transactions.
            As a give and take tool, the customers as well as the staff members were to be incentivized / rewarded for use of Green Banking.
            As there was tremendous response, the ‘Go Green Campaign’, was extended till July 2012, and now up to Dec 12.
During the initial campaign period, CBI could collect 4874618 Mobile Numbers, 2913817 PAN Nos and 146846 E-mail ids.
02)On 13/09/2012, Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank has gone live on IMPS.
The Brand name of PMC Bank’s IMPS is “Mobile Pay" and the slogan is “Baithe Baithe Ghar Pe Banking Ab Mobile Pay".
03)On 11/09/2012, Indian Bank has gone live on Internet Banking channel for IMPS transactions and also gone live on IMPS using Account No and IFS Code.
To encourage ePayments, Indian Bank has launched a new facility for it bank customers.  Indian Bank customers now make TNEB bill payment using mobile phones through SMS

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Cheers, Reserve Bank of India, has increased the threshold limits for Mobile Banking from Rs5,000/Rs10,000 to Rs.50,000/-.

This is the Christmas Gift to Indian Banks and Banking consumers, IT Companies from Reserve Bank of India. Now, it is up to the Banks, as to how they package and market this new product.

In my opinion, the upper levels have been increased in a span of 1 year, due to the following reasons: -
01) Demand by Banks.
02)                       Demand by Bank’s Customers.
03)                       Confidence in the Security Levels of Transactions
04)                       Confidence in the System regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Know Your Customer norms(KYC).

As usual, the Notification contains two superb punches.
01)  Transactions up to Rs 1000/- can be facilitated by banks without end-to-end encryption. The risks associated in this transactions, have to be handled by the Bank’s themselves, with appropriate Security Measures in place.
This should reduce the cost of transactions to Banks, and encourage them to aggressively market this product.

02)  The second punch is also a wonderful addition to the Product. The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.                                                              

Yes, you have read it correct!!! “The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.

These is a very progressive step, and now trust all the stake-holders will be interested to encourage this product.

Better read the complete Reserve Bank of India, Notification @

What is not clear to me is how the recipient will withdraw Cash through ATM/Business Correspondent.  What will be the modus-operandi involved.
Of course, some new ideas will emerge, no doubt.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mobile Banking – A tool for Financial Inclusion.

In the recent past, there have been demands to introduce Funds Transfer’s through Mobiles, outside the Banking Network, in India.

Proponents of this Proposal are of the view that such a product will aid in
01) Faster payment delivery channel.
02)                     Cheaper payment delivery channel
03)                      Efficient payment delivery channel.

They opine that the existing Bank led Model, is too restrictive/costly/not efficient.

In my opinion, a Bank Led model is more valid for our country, for the following reasons.
A non-bank led model is riskier from the Security Angel, as the transactions can be a front for illegal transactions. As the originator/receiver are mostly anonymous, it becomes difficult to trace the chain of funds, in case of any investigation.
Little drops become a Ocean. Single transfer of say Rs.1000/- day, translates into a transfer of Rs.30,000/- per month. And, Rs.30,000/- is a substantial sum.

 With concerns of Money Laundering and financial terrorism on the increase, a Bank led Model, is more attractive for Payment Delivery Systems than a Non-Bank led one.

As it is even without the Non-Bank Mobile Payment Delivery System, Money laundering prevails. Let us not provide Money Laundering, yet another Payment Delivery System!

I feel, Banks and Telecom companies and other stake-holders need to come together and develop innovate ideas to boost alternate delivery systems. This would be better, that exploring the options for a Non-Bank Payment Delivery System. A Non-Bank model too needs investment in terms of money, Software Development, Hardware Rollout.

Some Banks in India, are offering pure Internet Banking Accounts. Once the customer’s KYC norms are satisfied, a   Customer Master Number is created and provided to the customer. Basing on Customer Master Number, a customer can open accounts On Net Banking site of the respective bank.
The best example is ICICI ‘s Bank’s Branchless Banking.

This model can be accepted as a Base for true Mobile Banking, with suitable modifications. 
In fact, this model is also a can be adopted to enhance Financial Inclusion.
For No-Frills Account, this Model, will be a win-win situation for all the Stake Holders
01)                      For Bankers – They can open new accounts, without the need for physical branches.
02)                     For Customers – They have access to basic banking, which in turn will motivate them to experience the benefits of full banking services.
03)                     For Mobile Companies – This service might encourage customers to stay with a single mobile provider instead of jumping to their competitor.

The next obvious question is who will bear the costs. Of course, nothing in this world is free. The costs can be shared between the Banks and the Customers, with the Mobile Companies too underwriting a part of it.

Innovation in delivery models is the key to enhance Financial Inclusion.
Ideally, all Funds Transfer should be within the ambit of Banking Channels only.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Product Launch- Citi Tap and Pay

Product Launch- Citi Tap and Pay.

Four months ago, CitiBank in India, launched the next-generartion Mobile Payments in our own Bengaluru, India


The Product’s  name is Citi Tap and Pay.

In simple terms, Your Citi Credit Card is transferred to your Mobile Phone(Nokia 6212), and than you can pay your shopping bill by just tapping the phone at the Payment Counter, of Participating Outlets.

More Detials can be accessed at

To encourage Citi Customers, to try out this new facility, Citi has offered to subsidize the cost of Nokia 6612 phone. On top of the subsidy, the users will also be eligible for a Cash-back offer, on making a specified number of transactions.

As this technology is new, Citi is offering this innovative product initially for 6 months only.
Based on the learning’s, Citi might fine-tune the product, before rolling it out nationally.

Nokia will support the service with its NFC-enabled Nokia 6212 phone, which is embedded with an NFC chip. MasterCard will offer its MasterCard PayPass contactless payment and security infrastructure. ViVOtech is providing the underlying technology, including the NFC wallet, the Over-the-Air (OTA) card provisioning software.

 The technology beyond this product is near-field communications (NFC). Near Field Communication (NFC) is a new, short-range wireless connectivity technology that evolved from a combination of existing contactless identification and interconnection technologies
Communication between two NFC-compatible devices occurs when they are brought within four centimeters of one another: a simple wave or touch can establish an NFC connection, which is then compatible with other known wireless technologies such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Because the transmission range is so short, NFC-enabled transactions are inherently secure. Also, physical proximity of the device to the reader gives users the reassurance of being in control of the process.
The success of this new product depends on the POS Terminal with the Merchant Establishments. The POS Terminal has to be equipped to recognize NFC Phones. Hence, this product is acceptable in only 500 outlets in Bangalore.
 For this product to be a success, I feel, Banks and Credit Card Companies might need to work together, otherwise it will be a niche product.

Monday, February 9, 2009

10 Safety Tips for Mobile Banking

One important sub-type of EPayments is Mobile Banking. As usual, Reserve Bank of India, has come out with comprehensive guidelines for safe Mobile Banking in India. The Circular Number is : RBI/2008-09/208 DPSS.CO.No.619/02.23.02/ 2008-09 dt.08/10/2008.



          Mobile Banking in India is set to explode in the next couple of years. Union Bank of India, has become the first Public Sector Bank to offer Mobile Banking. Majority of the Private Sector Banks, already have Mobile Banking, in their Bouquet of Services.


          Hence, it becomes essential, to offer some Tips, for your secure mobile banking experience.



01) The very first handy tip that can help you to get rid of e-fraud is never to disclose your PIN or Password or any other security information. It is also advisable that you never write it down on front of someone. Mostly all mobile phones come with the option of setting up once the PIN and password or other security information. It is cumbersome in beginning but it can help you in long run if security is the main concern. This configuration once done will not allow anyone to use your phone without your knowledge or permission. So, can not be used for any illegal activities or frauds impersonating you. The password shold be a comibinaton of letters, numbers and symbols. Refer my earlier post for simple cryptography.

02)  Never follow any activity that makes your phone vulnerable to viruses and a soft site for hackers or fraudesters to hog on. Never click any site or URL till you are not confident. Make it a habit to delete all the chain messages or the unwanted messages.

03) Do not download any software, may be your phone gets infected and a profitable site for fraudster to steal some information that can help them to rob you off. Be smart and learn for spy ware . Never disclose any private information to the unauthenticated or the doubted sources.

04) Integrate your phone with the latest updates. The installation of software updates can secure your mobile and the sensitive information transmitted or stored. The software updates should be installed regularly.

05) Never disclose any personal information via text message. This could lead to Identity Theft.

06) Update your mobile phone with the latest version of reliable antivirus software on a regular basis

07) Download files only from a trust source. Make sure that Bluetooth is switched off when the phone is not in use, to avoid transmission of viruses.

08) Mobile phones should be configured with a secure web browser and email software. Use the ‘Help’ function of the software of the vendor’s website for configuration.

09) Always make it a point to clear the browsing history or cache.

10) Always opt for Mobile Banking and Internet Banking of the same Bank. As Account Transaction details can be accessed on Internet Banking, transactions done on Mobile Banking can be verified here. This way, a cross-check of transactions will minimize fraud.


These little tips can help you to steer clear of frauds with your account and can make your mobile banking experience, a pleasurable one.



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