
Friday, December 25, 2009

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks - Increase in upper Limits.

Cheers, Reserve Bank of India, has increased the threshold limits for Mobile Banking from Rs5,000/Rs10,000 to Rs.50,000/-.

This is the Christmas Gift to Indian Banks and Banking consumers, IT Companies from Reserve Bank of India. Now, it is up to the Banks, as to how they package and market this new product.

In my opinion, the upper levels have been increased in a span of 1 year, due to the following reasons: -
01) Demand by Banks.
02)                       Demand by Bank’s Customers.
03)                       Confidence in the Security Levels of Transactions
04)                       Confidence in the System regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Know Your Customer norms(KYC).

As usual, the Notification contains two superb punches.
01)  Transactions up to Rs 1000/- can be facilitated by banks without end-to-end encryption. The risks associated in this transactions, have to be handled by the Bank’s themselves, with appropriate Security Measures in place.
This should reduce the cost of transactions to Banks, and encourage them to aggressively market this product.

02)  The second punch is also a wonderful addition to the Product. The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.                                                              

Yes, you have read it correct!!! “The recipient  of Funds Transfer through Mobiles, can withdraw the funds through Cash at ATM or any agent(s) appointed by the bank as business correspondents.

These is a very progressive step, and now trust all the stake-holders will be interested to encourage this product.

Better read the complete Reserve Bank of India, Notification @

What is not clear to me is how the recipient will withdraw Cash through ATM/Business Correspondent.  What will be the modus-operandi involved.
Of course, some new ideas will emerge, no doubt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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