
Sunday, September 20, 2009

POS Terminals-An Aid to Impulse Donation’s.

POS Terminals-An Aid to Impulse Donation’s.

Donations to Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s on Internet via Online Banking /Credit Cards/Debit Cards are common.

This method of Payment is also catching up amongst Indians, and is a very popular method of Donations for NRI’s.

However, to my surprise, so far no one has understood the potential of Point of Sales Terminals(POS), as an aid for Donations.

Walk into any Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s, and the mode of Donation is Cash/Kind or at the most Cheque.

Have you ever seen a POS Terminal to swipe the money from your Credit Card/Bank Account and complete the Donation Cycle.

Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s, can install POS Terminals at their office’s, and see their Income via Donations zoom.

I go to a temple, and come to know that for a Donation of Rs5116/- Lunch Sponsor, for a particular day, every year, suits me. But, unless the visit and intention to donate are planned in Advance, I will not carry that much cash. So the temple has lost a donation of Rs5116/-, unless I visit the temple again, with the express purpose of Donating Rs5116/-.

A POS Terminal at the temple, would have made my job easier of Donating, and the Temple too would have gained a Donor,.

It is observed, that in supermarkets, 20% Buying is Impulse Buying i.e there is scope of Impulse Donation too!!!!.

Impulse-(Whim, Urge, Fancy) emotions can be tapped by Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s, to attract Donations. And, the best tool is POS Terminals.

I go a Religious Institution, with my friends, offer prayers, and I observe my friend making a Donation. Impulsively I too make a donation.
But, if I am making a Donation through POS Terminal, the Donation size will be bigger!!

The Benefits of POS Terminals at Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s are

  • Tap into the Impulse Emotions.
  • Increase the ADPV(Average Donation Per Visitor). A new term coined by me.
  • Enhance credibility amongst Visitors, as Donations through POS Terminals, will be accounted for.
  • Reflect a Modern Outlook, to Visitors. 

The Benefits of POS Terminals at Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s for Banks are

  • Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s, saving accouant with the Banks. A sure way to increase the CASA of the Bank.
  • Indirect Marketing of the Bank, by way of Bank’s Logo being displayed at the Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s.
  •  A simple method to minimize cash handling of Religious Institutions/Charitable Institutions/Hospitals/NGO’s.

 Which Bank will be first  in this new Wave of ePayments

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