
Sunday, March 1, 2009

BSNL Rural Broadband Kiosk rollout begins -Tit Bits

            BSNL this week, took the first step in linking the rural landscape, in an Electronic Highway. As the Rural Broadband Kiosk’s, will be able to access the Net at high speeds of 2MPBS, it would be nice if the Indian Post’s Instant Money Order(IMO) Nodes are also set up here.  This would enable the rural folks to experience the full magic of ePayments. 


To minimize the misuse of financial data, the Nodes can be one-way only. This means, money can be sent to this nodes through the IMO network, but money cannot be sent from this nodes.   


Enclosed herewith, the Press Release by BSNL   


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

            Ministry of Communications & Information Technology    

  BSNL Rural Broadband Kiosk rollout begins


18:2 IST

With the inauguration of BSNL’s first Rural Broadband Kiosk at Village Savlaj in Sangli District of Maharashtra recently, the project of setting up broadband kiosks in rural areas under the Scheme titled ‘Wire-Line Broadband Connectivity to Rural & Remote Areas’ has got underway.

 Aimed at making information technology work to the advantage of the villagers, the project envisages setting up of 30,000 such rural broadband kiosks across the country in the next 3 years. The rural Broadband kiosks allow full triple play (voice, video and data) services to the rural customers.

 Apart from internet surfing, the kiosks will offer various value added services to the rural populace in form of, utility bill payments, railway ticketing, mobile handsets content download etc. In addition, services of local interest such as agricultural trading, education on crops, micro finance etc will be unique feature of each kiosk. These kiosks shall be established as entertainment and information dissemination hub for the villagers. BSNL plans to engage franchisees at the local level for this purpose.

 The Scheme envisages a nation wide rollout of rural broadband kiosks from the existing rural exchanges having optical fiber backbone and last mile copper connectivity. This project is expected to help the nation to spread the broadband/internet knowledge at the rural India doorsteps. With saving of money and time for villagers, these kiosks shall help in improving the rural lifestyle and prosperity of rural India.

 The project is being supported by USO fund of Department of Telecommunications in form of subsidy for setting up and operating these kiosks. USO fund shall extend a quarterly subsidy of Rs. 20,000 for a period of 3 years for operating these kiosks.

 The Broadband kiosks will be linked using ADSL2+ technology at speeds as high as 2 Mbps, which has been covered under the BSNL’s rural DSL Broadband project across the country, supported by USOF.



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