
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Retail Payments : Perspectives and Way Forward

For the last couple of days, lots of deliberations have taken place at Mamallapuram, Chennai, India, to broaden the scope of Retail Electronic Payments.


            Tangible results are expected in the next financial year i.e 2009-2010


D.Subbarao, Reserve Bank of India Governor delivered the Valedictory Address at the Regional Seminar.

 The Complete Text can be accessed at

 Retial Payments : Perspectives and Way Forward

(Valedictory Address delivered on March 19, 2009 at the Regional Seminar on Payment and Settlement Systems, organised jointly by the Reserve Bank of India and the Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland at Mamallapuram, Chennai, India. - By Duvvuri Subbarao, Governor)


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