
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Payment Gateway-Is it necessary

Payment Gateway-Is it necessary.

Payment Gateway-Is it necessary for an eCommerce Site, to have a Payment Gateway, for receiving payments from its customers.

Today’s Post will might convert few of acquaintances/friends/colleagues/ into my enemies.
But, I am convinced about my idea, and its ability to transform eCommerce sites in our country.

The essential feature of eCommerce site, is an stable Payment Gateway, to transfer money from their customer’s pockets to the merchant pockets.


The most common Payment Method’s of an eCommerce Site are:-

American Express Card
Visa/Master Debit/Credit Card
Automated internet banking (selective banks

Few Sites, in addition to the above also offer:-
Cheque Deposit/ Cash Deposit/Demand Draft - - (in specified locations)

One more option, which is not yet explored by eCommerce Sites is

.Bank Transfer-from any bank.
I will call this facility as NEFT PAY
The above facility harnesses the power of NEFT to move funds from the customer’s accounts to the merchant account.

The benefits of NEFT PAY to eCommerce Sites are
01)    No need of  investment in Payment Gateway
02)    No fear of Chargeback.
03)    No Payment of any commission to Payment Gateway Providers.
04)    No fear of any Security breaches by own employees or Payment Gateway employees.

The benefits of NEFT PAY to Customers are
01)    Shop with own money, instead of resorting to credit card outstanding.
02)    High safety levels, as Credit Card/Debit Card Numbers need not be mentioned anywhere.

NEFT PAY will not be viable, in few eCommerce Sites like Air/Rail/Bus ticketing, where the commodity is in high demand, and is on first come-first serve basis.

Such sites at the most constitute 20% of all eCommerce sites.

Hence, NEFT PAY can be used in 80% of the eCommerce Sites where the goods can be shipped/delivered on confirmation of money received by the Merchant. 

eCommerce Sites- Harness the power of NEFT

1 comment:

Legal Advisor said...

According to global research conducted one of the major payment gateway providers, a large number of people around the globe ready to ditch their leather wallets which have been near and dear to all for electronics and electronic payment methods.


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