
Friday, October 23, 2009

Coporation Bank launches Gift Card.

Corporation Bank launches Gift Card.

Corporation Bank too has plunged into the Gift Card Segment.
Just before Diwali, the bank has launched the Gift Card.

The Highlights of this Card are:-

01)  The Bank has tied up with Visa Cards.
02)  The minimum value of the Card is  Rs1000/-, and the maximum value is Rs5000/-
03)  The card is valid for 1 year, from the date of issue.
04)  There is no PIN Associated with this card. Hence, the card has to be kept in a secure place.
05)  There is a dedicated website for the Gift Card Holders.
06)  There is a dedicated Toll-Free Number for Gift Card Holders.
07)  There is no dedicated Email ID for Gift Card Holders.
08)  The Card is not valid for Internet Transactions.
09)  The Internet Brochure does not mention about its acceptance at Railway POS Terminals.
10)  The Internet Brochure does not mention, whether non-customers can buy this card.

More information can be accessed @

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