
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Interesting Trends in ATM Withdrawals

Interesting Trends in ATM Withdrawals in India.

The Document can be accessed at

The Highlights are:
01) The average Withdrawal size in NPCI managed ATM's is growing.
         In November 2009, it was Rs2,766/- whereas in May 10 it increased to Rs2,982/-

02) 37% of the withdrawals are below Rs.1000/-, though this share is coming down slowly.
         This 37% of the transactions can be shifted to the POS route, as already announced by Reserve Bank of India.         
                My earlier post on this is @

One recent trend which I have come across, is bank customers are not eager to withdraw small amounts through ATM's, especially in the Rs2,000/- to Rs4,000/- range. This is because the ATM's dispense a majority of Rs.500/- notes, whereas folks prefer Rs100/- notes.
This is pushing back the such customers from ATM's to Bank counters!!

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