
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interbank Mobile Payment Service – 3 Charges

Interbank Mobile Payment Service – 3 Charges

National Payment Corporation of India, has left it to individual banks, to finalized the charges for their IMPS services.

NPCI, at the pilot stage is offering free of cost. Once IMPS is commercially launched NPCI will charge .25paise per successful transaction. Clearing Corporation of India will also charge Rs.200/- plus taxes (10.3%) per bank per settlement for affecting the settlement. This is apart from NPCI Charges.

There will be infrastructure and personnel charges to the Banks.

Hence, the IMPS should not be free. One other main reason, we Indian tend to mis-use any facility, when it is free.

Therefore, it would be better from Day 1, if there are charges for IMPS.
What do you say, folks?

Initially, individual Banks might offer different rates or different slabs. But, over a period of time, the charges will be uniform across the Banking Industry
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