
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mahesh Bank – Direct RTGS Member

Mahesh Bank – Direct RTGS Member

Today Mahesh Bank, headquartered in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, announced the launch of RTGS Services for its customers.

The Bank has 33 branches primarily in Andhra Pradesh. It has also has a branch each in Jaipur and Mumbai.

The Bank was accorded SCHEDULED STATUS by Reserve Bank of India from 26th October, 1996 - the first Co-operative Bank to be accorded this status in the entire South India.

RTGS is only a path to join the ATM Network, by becoming a member of the Shared ATM Network.

Kudos to Mahesh Bank for joining the Safe ePayments train.

I am sure; it will reap the benefits of this action.

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