
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Express Cheque Clearing System - ECCS

Express Cheque Clearing System - ECCS
Reserve Bank of India, DPSS has decided to take the Bulls by its horns, to upgrade the Clearing Infrastructure in our country.

DPSS, vide its Notification No. RBI/2010-11/423, DPSS (CO) CHD No. 2099/03.02.03/2010-11 dt.March 14, 2011 has launched a program for Automation of non-MICR Clearing Houses – Implementation of a new Clearing Software – Express Cheque Clearing System

It might be noted that the testing of the new package is over and is now ready for commercial launch.

The high lights of the Circular are: -

a)     The package is named as ‘Express Cheque Clearing System’ (ECCS)

b)     ECCS has been developed by M/s Image InfoSystems Pvt. Ltd. (vendor),
State Bank of India, led the initiative to fine time the package.
NPCI – National Payments Council of India, has been vested with the roll-out plan, Pan-India.
The package will be rolled-out in  1,093 non-MICR centers as on date
The roll-out will commence from 01/04/2011 and be over by 30/09/2011
Speed Clearing facility to be operationalised and enabled right from day one of implementation of the package.
As multiple organizations, viz NPCI, NCCs, clearing locations and the member banks, RBI, DPSS will be closely monitoring the progress and will intervene if the project is behind the time-schedule.

Welcome ECCS. By the year end, the Bank customer’s should be able to experience the benefits of ECCS

As this is a standard package, with a committed timeframe for roll-out Banks should not face any difficulties in rolling out at their end.
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rak said...

I am Proud to be Part of Image Info System Pvt.Ltd.(ECCS).

Rakshit Singh
(ECCS Software support).

shivam said...

ECCS will help bank and customer both by their good feature

someshwer sharma said...

ECCS Very helpfull for bank and customer

Anonymous said...

I have been looking at it for a long time since RBI had provided a DOS based system for Non-MICR Clearngs.
R K Singh

SS said...

Can anybody inform me that the "Clearing zone"(Branch Module-Data Entry-Outward Data Entry-Clearing Zone)is meant what in Branch Module-Import-Define/Edit Import-Export file Structure will be? Is it "Batch_ID"?
As if "Tran Code=Instrument_Type" or "Cheque Amount=Car_Amount" or "Date (DDMMYYYY)=Clearing_Date" then "Clearing Zone= .... ?"

gopal jadeja said...

i m working in denabank we are using FINACLE- we have to do entry of chqeque twice eccs and then finacle is there any solution? Kindly guide plz. My mobile no.9925099956

Satish said...

M/s Image InfoSystems Pvt. Ltd. (vendor),

Also visit

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