
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Preserve your Charge Slips-Do not destroy them immediately

Preserve your Charge Slips-Do not destroy them immediately

The Indian Banking retail customers are swiftly migrating from cash to credit/debit cards payments via the online mode/mobile mode/POS mode.

Charge Slips are the connecting node between the Payment and the Bank Account in case of POS mode.

Charge slip refers to the voucher printed after swiping and charging a debit or credit card.

With multiple Debit/Credit cards, becoming common ‘Charge Slips’ play an important role in reconciliation of the multiple Debit/Credi
t Cards

Majority of the POS Paper rolls are thermal based. As such, the Data printed on the POS Paper Rolls fades over a period of time. Hence, in case permanent record of the POS Slip is required, scanning is the best option.

However, it is wise to preserve the Charge Slips, till at least the Credit Card Statement or the Bank Account Statement is received. 

Once the Statement is reconciled and you are satisfied that all the Debits are genuine debits, the charge slips can be destroyed.

Tips for Storage and Image Stability

1.     Keep Dry
2.     Avoid Plastics/Solvents
3.     Avoid Sunlight
4.     Avoid Hot/Humid temperature
5.     Avoid Diaso Papers
6.     Do not Iron/Deface
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