
Thursday, March 22, 2012

ECCS - Live in 99% Indian Clearing Houses

The total number of Non-MICR Clearing Houses in India is 1131. Out of 1131 Clearing Houses, ECCS is live in 1123 Clearing Houses. 

This is a staggering 99% of the Clearing Houses.

Live in Nos
Apr2009 1
Jun2009 1
Jun2010 1
Jul2010 1
Aug2010 1
Sep2010 1
May2011 1
Jun2011 2
Jul2011 26
Aug2011 118
Sep2011 290
Oct2011 260
Nov2011 239
Dec2011 122
Jan2012 47
Feb2012 9
Mar2012 3
Total 1123
CLG Hsg 1131


The above numbers show the month wise migration of Clearing Houses.
Testing commenced in April 2009 and went up to June 2011.
By 2011, the teething problems were overcome, and the migration sped up.

80% of the installations were done in a five  month period i.e August 2011 to December 2011.

The success was due to the co-ordination between NPCI, Local Clearing House and Image Infosystems Pvt Ltd officials.

The knowledge gained at previous installation  centres was shared at the new installation centres. This knowledge sharing ensured smooth adaption with minimal glitches. 

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