
Showing posts with label #IMPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #IMPS. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

NPCI Immediate Payment Service(IMPS) transactions zoom to 10 crores per month by November 2016

              51 Banks, 50 RRBs/DCBs/UCBs and 13 PPIs have opened their transaction channel on NPCI_IMPS Remittance service to encourage Indians to transfer their money at the ‘Speed of Light’.

              NPCI_IMPS remittance service works round the clock, all the 365 days a year, and never goes to sleep.

              During December 2015, Indians have moved INR15,910 crores through NPCI_IMPS digital channel via 2.42 crore transactions.

              During this calendar year, transactions are expected to cross 10 crores by November 2016.

              Unbelievable!! Check the above table

              11 indicators to zoom up volumes 14% month on month

01)   Consecutive banks holidays on 2nd and 4th Saturdays and all Sundays.

02)   Banks opening up NPCI_IMPS channel through bank branches mode.

03)   Increase in the threshold limit from INR2lacs to INR5lacs.

04)   Separate transaction advice for faster reconciliation both at sender and receiver end.

05)   Government Departments signing up to remit Government payments through NPCI_IMPS channel.

06)   Cross border remittance companies moving all their transactions to the NPCI_IMPS channel.

07)   168 Banks including Public/Private/RRB/DCB/UCB are on NEFT platform. This means the respective banks have an IFS Code to participate in Electronic Transactions Channel. This in turns means another 67 banks can join the NPCI_IMPS channel in the near future.

08)   Reserve Bank of India has authorised 40+ Prepaid Paid Instruments issuers. Out of this, only 13 have joined NPCI_IMPS. This means the remaining 27+ PPIs can join NPCI_IMPS channel in the near future.

09)   WLA players have set up over 11,000 ATMs all over India. These ATMs can be enabled for NPCI_IMPS transactions.

10)   Top 5 eCommerce companies shifting their refunds to NPCI_IMPS channel.

11)   Transport companies adopting NPCI_IMPS channels to transfer benefits to their associates.

What will you do to promote NPCI_IMPS?

NPCI_IMPS Twitter Page
NPCI_IMPS Facebook Page

The NPCI_IMPS FAQ page has all the details to assist in Safe IMPS transactions.


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