
Showing posts with label AML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AML. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

RBI imposes penalty on Sri Ganesh Co-operative Bank Ltd., Gulbarga, Karnataka

The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of 15.00 lakh (Rupees Fifteen lakh only) on Sri Ganesh Co-operative Bank Ltd., Gulbarga, Karnataka.

The monetary penalty is for violation of Reserve Bank of India’s instructions for violating Know Your Customers (KYC)/Anti Money Laundering (AML) Guidelines in issuing ‘at par cheques’ to large number of walk-in-customers by intentionally structuring them below 50,000/-.

RBI also observed that it had opened benami accounts and allowed huge cash deposits in such accounts.

Tourist spots in Gulbarga can be viewed here.

Taste of Gulbarga cuisine can be viewed here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

11 observations on Reserve Bank of India’s monetary penalty on three Banks; cautions Eight

01)   Today vide a Press Release RBI has announced that it has imposed monetary penalty on the following three banks for violation of Reserve Bank of India instructions:-
Sl. No.          Name of the bank           Penalty Amount (in ` mn)
1.                  Bank of Maharashtra                   15
2.                  Dena Bank                                      15
3.                  Oriental Bank of Commerce       15

02)   Broadly RBI guidelines on ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’, and ‘Anti Money Laundering (AML)’, were violated.

03)   Eight other banks, namely, Central Bank of India, Bank of India, Punjab and Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, UCO Bank, Union Bank of India and Vijaya Bank have been cautioned to put in place appropriate measures and review them from time to time to ensure strict compliance of KYC requirements in future.

04)   The penalties have been imposed in exercise of powers vested in the Reserve Bank under the provisions of Section 47(A) (1) (c) read with Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

05)   RBI has clarified that action is based on deficiencies in regulatory compliance and is not intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement entered into by the bank and its customers.
06)   On the basis of a complaint received by the Reserve Bank from a private organisation, a scrutiny of fixed accounts opened in its name in Mumbai based branches of certain public sector banks was undertaken in July 2014.

07)   With more complaints and involvement of other banks coming to light, a wider thematic review was conducted and in all 12 branches of 11 Public Sector Banks was covered. The scrutiny/thematic review looked into the modus operandi of the alleged frauds involving accounts of certain organisations in these banks, deficiencies / irregularities while opening Fixed Deposits (FD) and extending Overdraft (OD) facility there against.

08)    Besides the effectiveness of systems and processes in place pertaining to implementation of KYC norms / AML standards in respect of these accounts was also looked into.

The findings revealed violation of certain regulatory guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank as also other disquieting actions on the part of the banks, as under:
·       non-adherence to certain aspects of KYC norms of the Reserve Bank like customer identification and acceptance procedure
·       non-adherence to the Reserve Bank’s instructions on monitoring of transactions in customer accounts
·       non-adherence to the Reserve Bank’s instructions regarding funds received through Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS)
·       opening of fixed deposit accounts and granting overdrafts there against without due diligence or process
·       weaknesses in the internal control systems, management oversight, use of internal accounts for parking customer funds, etc.
·       involvement of middlemen/intermediaries in opening of the accounts as also subsequent operations in those accounts

09)   Based on the findings, the Reserve Bank issued a show cause notice to 11 banks, in response to which the individual banks submitted written replies. After considering the facts of each case and individual bank’s reply, the Reserve Bank came to the conclusion that some of the violations of serious nature were substantiated and warranted imposition of monetary penalty on three banks, namely, Bank of Maharashtra, Dena Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce. 

10)   Failure on the part of the above three banks to take timely remedial measures had aggravated the seriousness of the contraventions and its impact.

11)   In respect of eight other banks, namely, Central Bank of India, Bank of India, Punjab and Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, UCO Bank, Union Bank of India and Vijaya Bank, based on written and oral submissions, it was decided not to impose any monetary penalty as the banks’ explanations were judged to be reasonable. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

National electronic funds transfer (NEFT) transaction code 50

            In NEFT there are specific codes for special type of transactions. For eg: Transaction Code 52 denotes Credit Card Transactions.

            Like wise, Transaction Code 50 denotes Cash Transactions. Yes, you might be surprised as to how Cash and ePayment can co-exist.

            A couple of years ago, Reserve Bank of India, introduced a new Transaction Code 50. This was aimed at Indians who desired to remit money through banking channels, but did not have a Bank Account, at least with the NEFT originating bank.  However, the beneficiary had a bank account.        
            The remitters could walk into any bank branch and request for a NEFT transaction through cash deposit.  

            The upper limit per transaction is Rs50, 000/-

Process in brief:
  • In order to facilitate cash remittances through NEFT up to Rs 50,000/- for persons who are not having account with the originating bank, the originating banks are required to collect the full details of remitters, including complete address and telephone number, etc., in order to comply with the Wire Transfer Guidelines.

  • These details need to be keyed in the Sender's details field provided in NEFT outward debit message with transaction code 50 for identification.

  • A Special Account may need to be opened for this purpose at the originating branches to route the cash transactions and that Special Account Number should be given while originating a Cash Transaction.

  • This account would also facilitate the handling of returned NEFT transactions.

  • The returns would automatically be credited to the Special Account in a Straight through Processing (STP) environment.
The AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Cell of the remitting bank is expected to closely monitor this account to ensure that only legitimate transactions are being routed through. Over a period of time, it is expected, each bank will develop their processes to make sure that no regulations are violated.

            The main challenge would be in ‘return’ of funds of returned NEFT transactions. Of course, we Indians are smart enough to mention the correct details to ensure 100% successful transactions. 


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