
Showing posts with label Card on Delivery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Card on Delivery. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

We Indians are fast adapting LessCash Tools-Card On Delivery

            The new online check-out mantra is not Cash-on-Delivery BUT Card-on-Delivery. As the trust levels between online shoppers and online companies increase, the checkout trend is migrating from Cash-on-Delivery to Card-on-Delivery.

            The rapid growth of COD has been possible due to falling costs of MPOS (Mobile Point of Sales) terminals and enhanced security.

            The below table clearly show growth in POS Transactions in this financial year.

            At present, the data does not differentiate between POS and MPOS transactions.

            Majority of the Indian eCommerce companies have reported an increase in MPOS transactions during the last festival season i.e Dusshera/Diwali.

            The following newspaper article will throw more light on the growth of MPOS transactions in India.

            Another key contributor for MPOS transactions is that customers need not go to the POS Terminal; the MPOS Terminal is brought to the customer. This drastically increases the security of the transactions.

            As Banks and other industry players spread the benefits of LessCash transactions, the migration from Cash to LessCash modes will speed up.



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