In the recent past, IIBF has
introduced blended courses for the benefit of banking community. Blended
courses comprise an Online Examination and a Classroom Learning workshop.
The Classroom workshop can be taken
only after the successful completion of the Online examination.
To encourage the learners to
complete the Classroom learning, IIBF has clarified that the same has to be
completed within 15 months from the date of declaration of the results of the
respective blended certification course.
At present, the following are the Advanced
Blended Certificate Courses:
Well, in case a candidate fails to complete the
prescribed classroom learning within the stipulated period, in order to
complete the course, the candidate would be required to RE-ENROLL
himself/herself for the online examination foregoing the credit for the
subject/s passed in the earlier online examination/s.
The rules are clear, so go ahead and plan
your studies.