
Showing posts with label Customer Unfriendly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Unfriendly. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pay your Credit Card dues with Cash or Cheque and incur a penalty

            As a Safe ePayments Motivator I am very uncomfortable with the Circular issued by Finance Ministry dt.25/10/2012, advising Public Sector Banks to issue notices to its credit card holders that payment of their credit card dues via Cash/Cheque will attract service charges.
            Receipt of Credit cards by electronic modes is still not stablised in our country; this is not only for public sector banks but also private sector banks.  
          The TAT is not instant and it varies from 2days to 4days. Of course, you get a value-added date credit in your credit card statement. No, you do not get additional reward points, when you make an electronic payment to your credit card.
             In fact, Banks should introduce additional reward points for payment of Credit Cards dues through the eMode.
             When Banks are levying service charges on payment through cash/cheques, part of the savings occurring to banks via electronic receipts should also be passed on to the customers.

            It would have been great, if the Finance Ministry also advised Banks to be a little customer-friendly. Customers will respond if they are convinced that guidelines are transparent and in their favour. Otherwise, a silent resentment will start to build up, which is not conducive in the long run.
Feedback welcome.


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