
Showing posts with label Financial Inclusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Inclusion. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

Income Tax Deduction-The sure shot way to ensure Indian LPG Consumers give up LPG subsidy

The inspiration for today’s blog post is Prime Minister’s Narendra Modiji’s remarks at the inaugural session of RBI Conference on Financial Inclusion

“I believe that our banks should take all their employees in confidence. Every bank should resolve that their employees would give up the subsidy. All industrial houses should decide that their employees would give up subsidy,” Mr. Modi said.
The Prime Minister said that the government’s intention behind the campaign is not to add to its coffers by saving on subsidy bill, but to provide LPG cylinders, a clean energy, to poor households who use firewood for cooking.
“Give up voluntarily. If one crore people give up this gas cylinder subsidy... one crore poor families who burn firewood, which leads to deforestation, carbon emission (and) their children, grow up in smoke... The cylinder (subsidy) you give up should reach to the house of that poor,” he said.

          As a responsible citizen, I am willing to give up LPG subsidy if I am assured that a deprived family will benefit.  The question is how that assurance can be visible and also be economically tracked.

          One option is to ensure tax deductions as equivalent to the LPG Subsidy foregone.

          The deduction model as for the Professional Taxes can be adopted here.   

Section 16(iii) : As per section 16(iii) of Income tax act ,Professional tax on employment or tax on employment levied by state under article 276(2) of the Constitution is allowed as a deduction from the Salary income.

Feedback welcome.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

India’s Tea Bank – United Bank of India conducts a special SLBC session

            Due to long association with the Tea Industry, United Bank of India occupies a special place in heart of Tea Industry folk. It is also known as Tea Bank amongst its peers.

            As convenor for the West Bengal’s State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC), United Bank of India recently convened a special meeting.

            The theme of the meeting was to drive ‘Financial Inclusion’, in West Bengal in Mission Mode. Under Mission Mode, rollout of the ‘Financial Inclusion’ will be monitored as per predetermined parameters.

The meeting was attending by the two EDs of United Bank – Deepak Narang and Sanjay Arya, State Pricipal Secretary in-charge of Finance, H K Dwivedi, and the Director of the Union Finance Department, Anna Roy, apart from other top executives of the State Government, banks, Reserve Bank of India and Nabard.

            To spread the banking culture in West Bengal, United Bank of India’s team has ensured the following:-     

    1. Banking outlets either in the form of BC model or Brick & Mortar Branches have been opened in 11604 nos. of villages having population less than 2000 in West Bengal.
    2. Banking outlets either in the form of BC model or Brick & Mortar Branches have.been opened in all the 7452 nos. of 2000+ population villages of West Bengal.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Indian Bank Licenses on Tap - RBI releases Draft Guidelines for Licensing of Payments Banks and Small Banks

            To encourage more types of banks in India, Reserve Bank of India released the today, the Draft Guidelines for “Licensing of Payments Banks” and Draft Guidelines for “Licensing of Small Banks”.

            All interested parties and general public can go through the guidelines and views can be shared by emailing to The views can be shared till August 28, 2014. After August 28, 2014, Reserve Bank will consolidate the feedback; comments and suggestions review them and issue the final guidelines.

The final guidelines will also lay down the process to submit the Applications for setting up Payment Banks or Small Banks.

            As the name indicate, payments banks and small banks are “niche” or “differentiated” banks; with the common objective of furthering financial inclusion.

The Small Banks will provide a whole suite of basic banking products, such as, deposits and supply of credit, but in a limited area of operation.

On the other hand, Payment Banks  will provide a limited range of products, such as, acceptance of demand deposits and remittances of funds, but will have a widespread network of access points particularly to remote areas, either through their own branch network or through Business Correspondents (BCs) or through networks provided by others. They will add value by adapting technological solutions to lower costs.

The entities eligible to set up a Payments Bank include existing non-bank Pre-paid Instrument Issuers (PPIs), Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), corporate BCs, mobile telephone companies, super-market chains, companies, real sector cooperatives, and public sector entities.

The entities eligible to set up a small bank include resident individuals with ten years of experience in banking and finance, companies and societies, NBFCs, Micro Finance Institutions and Local Area Banks.

The eligible entities should be “fit and proper” in order to be eligible to promote payments banks and small banks. The Reserve Bank would assess the ‘fit and proper’ status of the applicants on the basis of their past record of sound credentials and integrity; financial soundness and successful track record of at least five years in running their businesses.

The minimum paid up capital requirement of both payments banks and small banks is kept at Rs. 100 crore, of which the promoters’ initial minimum contribution will be at least 40 per cent, to be locked in for a period of five years.

Reserve Bank of India, will provide the ‘In principle approval’, for setting up Small Banks and Payment Banks within 90 days, from receipt of report from the Independent External Advisory Committee.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Central Bank of India to launch RuPay Cards

The RUPAY Card network has added one more member, with Central Bank of India inking an agreement with National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) for issuance of RuPay cards.

To make the best use of this agreement, Central Bank of India, tweaking all its EDC Machines to be RuPay compliant. With the above feature, the bank will be in a position to issue RuPay cards as well as make payment of all RuPay cards issued by other banks in the country.

The major observation by Central Bank of India, is that the charges currently levied by RuPay are almost at par with others. NPCI has assured that shortly they will bring down these charges.

NPCI is also encouraging banks to issue RuPay cards for Financial Inclusion and Kisan Credit Card.
Central Bank of India, was established in 1911, and has the distinction of being the first Indian Commercial Bank wholly owned and managed by Indians. Central Bank of India, was the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala, founder of the Bank.

The Bank recently celebrated its 100 years of existence.

Over the years, various innovative schemes were launched by the bank. The most noteworthy was the launch of an Exclusive Ladies Department to cater to the Bank's women clientele, that too in the year 1924.

Tata Industrial Bank founded by Shri.J.R.D Tata was acquired by Central Bank of India, in 1923

A magnificent book on Bank's History was released as part of its centennial celebrations.


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