
Showing posts with label KPMG Audit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KPMG Audit. Show all posts

Sunday, September 7, 2014

PMJDY – Which is better? – An Audit or An ePortal

            Still in its early days, PMJDY is already subject to an Audit. No, it is not audit of the PMJDY scheme, but the validation of basic bank accounts opened by various Indian Banks under PMJDY.

             The Indian Finance Ministry has given the mandate to KPMG to validate the number of basic banks claimed to have been opened by banks under PMJDY.

            The KPMG certification is an important tool for the NaMo ministry move to seek an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records, for the maximum number of bank accounts on a single day.

            The other spinoff the KPMG validation will be the comfort to the finance ministry on the claimed number of basic bank accounts opened by the banks.

            10 reasons why an ePortal should be the preferred monitoring tool rather than an Audit: -

01) Ease of data transfer from the respective banks CBS to the ePortal

02)Banks have been advised to open the PMJDY Bank Accounts under the Basic Banking Account product, which is uniform across all banks.

03)Reports of various types i.e District level, State level etc can easily be customized

04)After the initial set-up, no need of human intervention.

05)Real time availability of data

06)Reduces dependence on banks to submit the data manually

07)Cost effective, as no Maker-Checker will be required

08)Turnover in the account can be monitored

09)Steps can be taken to increase the stickiness of the accounts to the account holders

10) The ePortal can go live in 3 weeks i.e by Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday



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