
Showing posts with label Mr.Rangarajan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr.Rangarajan. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013


            If you are residing in a major Indian city, you might have noticed Andhra Banks’ new Outdoor Advertisement campaign.
            The catchy line says D+AB=R, wherein D means (Dreams)+AB means (Andhra Bank)=R means (Reality).
            The print campaign is to promote Andhra Banks personal loans especially Vehicle and Home Loans.
With all Banks and Financial Institutions running Advertisement campaigns to attract quality clientele into its fold, Andhra Banks advertisement is a differentiator.
            In the recent past, Andhra Bank has won ‘Four Awards in a Row’, i.e
  1. Best Bank (Mid-size) awarded by Business World
  2. Best Bank under CAMEL Ratings awarded by The Analyst-Magazine
  3. Best Bank for Quality of Assets awarded by Business Today
  4. Banking Excellence Award – awarded by Bankers Club, Kerala
            The Managing Director’s position was vacant for a while and Mr.Rangarajan, took charge as Chairman and Managing Director on 13/12/2013


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