
Showing posts with label NIBM Pune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIBM Pune. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Gyan Sangam – The Beginning and The End

            The physical 2 days Banking Retreat @ Gyan Sangam NIBM Pune is over. 

            A beginning has been made to revitalize the Public Sector Banks morale.

            The issues are complex and there are no simple answers.

Gyan Sangam is expected to be Annual Retreat.

There is a give and take policy at the Gyan Sangam deliberations.

A dedicated Gyan Sangam website would enable the general public also to participate in this change.

At the end of Gyan Sangam 2015, bankers collectively resolved to improve on five points.

At the same time they demanded some commitment from the government to improve the state of banking in the country.

State Bank of India Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya made the presentation to Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi on behalf of all Bankers.

Quote "We as a group (all public sector banks) have decided to adopt five major resolutions."Unquote

The five points include:

01)  a decision to re-orient the portfolios of small public sector banks to focus on specific and differentiated niches,

02)build people capacities,

03)use of more technology (especially in the top 30 processes),

04)strengthen risk management practises

05) strengthen the partner channels such as business correspondents.

Financial Services Secretary, Hasmukh Adhia, said, "This is something banks have said they will work upon...we have specified no timelines for any of them."

 At the same time, bankers have also asked the government for some commitment which Adhia said will be looked into "positively."

The bankers have requested the government to move from a state-owned structure to a state-linked structure, as recommended by the P.J.Nayak committee report. This would entail, among other things, setting up of a banking bureau comprising of professionals and eminent bankers to appoint and empower individual bank boards.

Other commitments requested by the banks, of the government include:

a)     fully empower banks on human resource related decisions,

b)   creating the right environment for minimal interference,

c)    strengthening the legal framework for recovery of loans,

d)    strengthening and simplify processes for credit insurance,

e)    eliminate debt waivers and

f)    do away with interest rate caps,

g)    and finally creating the enabling infrastructure for digital banking.

Media was not allowed to cover the PM's address. In the coming days, more details are expected to be released to the media.


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