
Showing posts with label PMJDY Scholarship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PMJDY Scholarship. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Student Scholarship Bank Accounts should be eligible for PMJDY Overdraft


Over 10 crores of PMJDY accounts have been opened in bank branches all over India.

PMJDY Bank accounts have been opened in public sector bank branches as well as private sector bank branches.

The immediate priority of the stake holders is to reduce the % of Zero Balance accounts in the PMJDY bandwagon.

Routing Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) including LPG subsidy is the preferred method to stimulate transactions in the PMJDY accounts.

Insurance coverage – both accidents and life, is another tool to keep the transactions flowing.

Another attractive feature is the INR5000/- clean overdraft facility.

The overdraft comes with lots of strings attached. The first set of PMJDY accounts will be eligible for OD facility after a couple of months.

As there is no precedent for mass clean overdrafts in the banking industry, the initial conditions are stringent.

India has a rich tradition of student scholarships. A large number of scholarship schemes are available for students in India. Both Central and State agencies offer scholarships. Private trusts too offer scholarships.

Majority of the scholarships are disbursed to the respective bank accounts. It is almost mandatory for students to have bank accounts. website offers good details of the various types of scholarships available in India. displays the type of scholarships accessible to minority students in the nation.

10 reasons as to why the PMJDY Overdraft facility has to be offered to students too:-

a)     All scholarship amounts will be credited to such accounts.

b)    Calculation of the eligible overdraft amount is easy, as there will be scholarship credits.

c)     Increase the catchment populace of PMJDY OD accounts.

d)    Inculcate financial discipline amongst students.

e)    Credit report can be easily built at the time of processing education loans in future.

f)     Students can adopt batch of OD accounts in their locality and guide them for efficient utilisation of OD limits.

g)    Increase the visibility of PMJDY scheme amongst the public.

h)    Increase loyalty to the ruling party, which can be redeemed at the time of elections.

i)      Tool to reduce the number of Zero Balance Accounts.

j)     No additional investment in terms of infrastructure required. Only correct mapping required.






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