
Showing posts with label PNBIIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNBIIT. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Punjab national bank has gone live on imps using account no and ifs Code

          The link to Business Responsibility Report on the banks website makes for an interesting read.  I am not sure, what motivated PNB to publish this report. It would be great, if all Banks publish similar reports on a yearly basis.

          Another only one of its kind initiative by PNB has the foresight to nurture PNBIIT (Punjab National Bank institute of information technology), a premier institute of information technology in the area of banking, finance and insurance.

          Through its ADBT Program, has created a pool of competent techno-bankers for Banking & IT Sector by imparting in-depth knowledge and expertise to the students.

          One important announcement on PNB’s website is a notice on charges for SMS Alerts.

The charges will commence for transactions w.e.f.01.07.2013 and the charges are Rs15/- per quarter
 However, following categories of accounts have been exempted for SMS Alerts charges:
1 Senior Citizen accounts
2 Staff accounts
3 Retired staff accounts
4 Vidyarthi accounts
5 Mitra accounts


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