
Showing posts with label PhonePe Pulse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhonePe Pulse. Show all posts

Sunday, September 5, 2021

PhonePe Pulse – Please add these 7 features

 PhonePe Pulse – Please add these 7 features


          PhonePe Pulse is slowly gaining a dedicated following amongst digital transaction enthusiasts

The first edition of PhonePe Pulse released on 2nd September 2021 mentions interesting facts about digital transactions across India.

          The output consists of PhonePe user’s interaction on PhonePe App.

          PhonePe has invited feedback / suggestion for the future episodes of PhonePe Pulse @

          The more feedback is received by PhonePe Pulse team, the more interesting will future editions be.

          So, go ahead, and share your feedback / suggestions with PhonePe Pulse Team.

PPF1) Partner State – There are 28 states and 8 Union Territories = 36 i.e 1 each for 3 years. PHONEPE PULSE can choose one partner state/ union territory every month dedicating at least 20% of its monthly coverage

PPF2) Monthly Theme – PHONEPE PULSE landing page displays 5 categories i.e

  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Merchant payments
  • Recharges & Bill Payments
  • Financial Services
  • Others

I am taking the liberty of bifurcating Recharges and Bill Payments.

This means total 6 categories

Every month the PHONEPE PULSE edition to choose 1 category and dedicate at least 20% of its monthly coverage

This way each category will be in focus twice in a year


PPF3) Live Counter of eTransactions across PhonePe App – A great example is Government’s etaal (Electronic Transaction Aggregation & Analysis Layer) @

This Live Counter is a great way to attract eyeballs to PHONEPE PULSE interactive website.

This way Digital Transaction enthusiasts need not for the next edition of PHONEPE PULSE. As more and more internet users start interacting with PHONEPE PULSE, customization can be provided to a select set of visitors.  

PPF4) Separate Categories for Recharges and Bill Payments – Recharges and Bill Payments are completely different. It will be great if the recharges and bill payments are segregated. Each is a unique category and deserves its place under the sun. A sub-category can be BBPS and Non-BBPS. This I will explain in the near future.

Recharges – Bifurcation apart from the standard i.e State / District / Pincode

a)    Payment Mode

b)    Telecom Operator  

c)    Average Recharge

d)    Time Slots i.e 6am to 12 noon and so on

e)    Recharge for own number / other numbers

PPF5) Multi-Lingual – Page 27 of the 1st edition of PHONEPE PULSE mentions about "122 major languages and 234 identifiable mother tongues". So, it would be great if the PHONEPE PULSE site is multi-lingual both our local languages as well as foreign languages.

This will be helpful for digital enthusiasts residing in Tier III to Tier VI cities across the world to explore the Magic of Safe Payments in India.

PPF6) Short Interviews of Unique users –


Going where the road takes him - 75 petrol pumps - A PhonePe user transacted at a whopping 75 petrol pumps, across 13 states in 2020!

Ever essential groceries! -350+ payments - A grocery store in Ahmedabad, accepted 10,000+ digital payments in May '21 - over 350 payments a day!


What motivated the PhonePe user to transact at over 75 petrol pumps via the PhonePe App!!!

What is the next target of the Ahmedabad Grocery Stores – Over 500 digital transactions per day?

What motivated the first merchant in a village/ town with less than 3,000 /5,000 population to accept payments via PhonePe App?


PPF7) Success / Failure rates, Transactions day wise, hour wise –

A)   UPI __ Success / Failure rate in a day, during a particular time slot, categories i.e P2P, P2M, Auto pay etc

B)   Cards __ Success / Failure rate in a day, during a particular time slot,

C)    Wallets __ Success / Failure rate in a day, during a particular time slot,


The next set of 7 will be released soon.



PhonePe launches the "Pulse" of Digital Payments, India's first interactive geospatial website @


PhonePe opens transactional data firehose @





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