
Showing posts with label RBI Annual Report 2010 -2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RBI Annual Report 2010 -2011. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

ayment and Settlement Systems - Vision 2009-12 Part 2

Payment and Settlement Systems - Vision 2009-12
Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2010-11
Part 2

I wish I had the time, to analyze the Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2010-11 in detail. But time and the vast subject the Statement encompasses does not permit me to do so.
So, I will try to highlights those points, which touch my heart.

In this Blog I will be concentrating on the Payments and Settlements part of the Reserve Bank of India’s Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2010-11

The policy statement relies on the Reserve Bank’s of India’s Payment and Settlement Systems  - Vision 2009-12
Policy Stance
Standardization of Security Features on Cheque Forms
What is there in it?
Cheque Truncation System (CTS)–2010 Standard with benchmark specifications for security features on cheque and field placements on cheque forms have been prescribed.
Why is this required?
Like it or do not like it, Cheques in India still play a dominant role in the funds movement.
This phenomenon will last for another half-a-century.
Therefore Reserve Bank of India, decided to Standardize the  Security features on cheque forms to aid
n          faster processing of the cheques
n          minimize fraudulent activities
How it will impact? 
n          Please visit my earlier post on the Standardization of security features on cheque forms
n          Increase automated processing thereby reducing the dependency on human.
n          Increase automated processing means less turnover time for the ultimate credit to be effected to the customer.
n          In the next couple of years, the reach of  CTS will be widened.
To me the best benefit of CTS is its ability to transform the Post-Dated Cheques (PDC’s) process.
PDC’s can be debit to the customers account i.e Loans or credit to the customer’s account i.e Dividend Payouts, Insurance Policy maturity amounts.
The Truncated cheque images for future date can be stored for automatic processing on the due dates.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Payment and Settlement Systems - Vision 2009-12 - Part 1

Payment and Settlement Systems  - Vision 2009-12
Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2010-11
Part 1

Policy Stance
What is there in it
Membership to the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
·        India was included as one among 9 other countries for The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS), constituted under the aegis of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
·        The Reserve Bank is also represented on three Working Groups of the CPSS

Why is this required?

How it will impact? 

·        This will aid in developing a robust payments settlement system, which will benefit the economy as well as the common man.
·        Please visit my earlier post on the CPSS membership
·        This will enable our country, to be part of the latest developments in ePayments.
·        At the same time, the experience-sharing with old and new members, will aid the Indian ePayments Players, to avoid the pit-falls, for a smooth ePayments ride.  

Quoted from Investopedia


Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems - CPSS

What Does It Mean?
What Does Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems - CPSS Mean?
A committee made up of the central banks of G10 countries that monitors developments in payment, settlement and clearing systems in an attempt to contribute to efficient payment and settlement systems, and build strong market infrastructure. The CPSS was created in 1990, and its secretariat is hosted by the Bank for International Settlements.
Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems - CPSS
The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems undertakes its work through specific studies by working groups as required, and publishes reports on its findings. The committee also extends its work outside of the G10 countries by creating relationships with the central banks in many emerging market economies.



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