
Showing posts with label RTGS on 31/03/2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RTGS on 31/03/2012. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) – India's Large Value ePayment System open up to 20.00hrs on 31/03/2012.

This has been done in view of:-
  • the expected huge volumes on 31stMar 2012,
  • 31st Mar 2012 being the last working day for financial institutions
  • 31st March 2012 being a Saturday

Reserve Bank of India, DPSS has announced that RTGS will be open up-to 20.00hrs for Customer Transactions and upto 22.00hrs for Inter-Bank Transactions.

The announcement has been made in advance to enable all the participants I.e Bank Branches, Bank's customers, Bank's Staff, IT Support to be prepared for the extended window.

Bank's Treasury usually does not function on Saturday, but on 31st March 2012, have to make an exception, and be tracking the RTGS Outwards/Inwards of their respective banks.

RBI by announcing the extended timings two days earlier has demonstrated its willingness to go the extra mile, to ensure customer delight.

Now, it is up to the Bank's customers to make the best of this extension.

4 top advantages of this extension :

  1. No last minute surprises for the Participants.
  1. Resources can be planned better, either by Banks or the Bank's customers.
  1. Piling up of messages at the various Payment Gateways will be minimized.
  1. Encourage customers to migrate to Safe ePayments


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