
Showing posts with label Reserve Bank of India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reserve Bank of India. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2021

Reserve Bank of India - Department of Payments and Settlements invites suggestions from General Public


        Reserve Bank of India, DPSS during the second half of 25th January 2021 placed on the official RBI Website a 142 pages booklet titled ‘Journey in the Second The decade of the Millennium 2010-20’

This 142-page booklet traces our country’s journey in Payment and Settlement Systems during the second decade of the millennium.

The second decade of the millennium refers to the period between the beginning of 2010 till the end of 2020.

        The booklet is a fascinating journey in capturing the essence of the legal and regulatory environment underpinning the digital payments systems, various enablers, payment options available to consumers, extent of adoption, etc. during 2010 to 2020.

        The earlier booklets on India’s Payment Systems were released by Reserve Bank of India in 1998 and 2008.

This third Booklet in the series is expected to serve as a reference document for the growing interest across the world for the fast-paced developments in India’s digital payment systems.

        To me, these are the most important lines in the whole document: -

        Page 4 – Last Line – Suggestions and Feedback are welcome.


        There is no time limit in which the suggestions and feedback are sought. It is an ongoing process.

        All interested persons can submit their suggestions, provide feedback as and when they pen down their thoughts.

        Disclaimer:  These are my personal views only. The bottom-line is Mission “#LessCashNotCashLess”


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