
Showing posts with label Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd launches ATMs

             Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd is the 7th WLAO to operationalise White Label ATMs in India. RSD is basically a bullion operator and was incorporated in 1994.

            Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd has RBIs’ approval to deploy 50,000 ATMs across the country in next 3 years.

            The rollout is in a very primary stage. Over the next couple of months Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd will announce a brand name for its ATMs, launch a dedicated help-line, and launch a dedicated web portal.

            As of now there are no plans for any innovative offerings at Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd ATMs


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