
Showing posts with label Volumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volumes. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

NPCI has updated the December 2010, IMPS Statistics on its website. The same can be accessed @

Top 5 Interpretations of the Statistics
01)  Seven Banks have joined the IMPS Network and an additional 7 Banks are in the testing stage.

02)  Membership of NFS (National Financial Switch) is a pre-requisite for Banks to be part of the IMPS Network. Hence as on date 52 Banks can be part of the IMPS Network.

03)  Volume wise there is not much growth in Dec 10, as compared to Nov 10.

04)  However, there has been a fantastic jump in the average transactions size. In Nov 10, the average transaction was for Rs552. Whereas in Dec 10, the average transaction has jumped to Rs2600/-

05)  One unexplainable point is that the remittances in paisa are also happening. It can be assumed, that this are test transactions.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

IMPS – Volumes

IMPS – Volumes

As all of you are aware, IMPS is in testing phase now, and is expected to go live, by this month end.
NPCI has published the IMPS Volumes for the last few months @
As the testing phase is only amongst a closed user group, the last 3 month’s volumes do not show the true potential of IMPS.
The true potential of IMPS will be known, only once it is launched commercially. 


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