
Monday, May 4, 2009

ePayments- No Holidays till 1st July, 2009

 ePayments – No Holidays till 1st July, 2009

            The whole of May’2009 and June’2009, is open for ePayments. In fact, the next ePayments Holiday is 1st July, 2009 on account RBI's Annual Closing of Accounts.

Normally, during May, June, July, August, every year, the number of Bank Holidays will be minimal, and it is more so for ePayments.

             This spell should see a good number of folks, experience the magic of ePayments.  Now, the Annual Results of the Companies have been declared, Share Holders will be eagerly waiting for the Dividends to be credited to their Bank Accounts.

             This year, Indian companies, are likely to distribute the majority of Dividends through ePayments i.e(NEFT/ECS). ePayments, will reduce the TAT, and also lead to lower costs.


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