
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Andhra Bank – Aadhaar Seeding – Ways and Means

            Apart from the usual Branch channel, Andhra Bank customers can seed their Bank Account with Aadhaar Number via the alternate channels mode.
The following channels are available to submit AADHAAR seeding request:
Internet Banking: This is available Only for Retail Internet Banking Customer’s.
  • Customer has to login to Internet Banking using his/her User ID and Password.
  • Click on the link in the home page “Registration of Aadhaar Number in Internet Banking “.
  • Enter and confirm the 12 digit Aadhaar number in the respective fields.
  • Select the Savings account for which Aadhaar number is to be linked.
  • To know the status about Linking and Rejection of Aadhaar number click on "Inquiry"
Andhra Bank ATMs:
  • Customer to inserts ATM/Debit card in any Andhra Bank ATM and selects AADHAAR registration option available under Services category.
  • ATM will prompt the customer to enter AADHAAR number twice.
  • On completion, customer will receive receipt of seeding the request.
Using SMS:
  • This facility is enabled only for Andhra Bank customer’s registered for mobile alerts.
  • Customer to send an SMS to the 56161 the AADHAAR request as per below format. The syntax for sending the SMS is given below :
  • AADHAAR 15 digit Bank Account Number 12 digit AADHAAR Number where "AADHAAR" is the keyword for sending the message.
 On successful linking / delinking of AADHAAR number to the customer account though any channel, an SMS alert will be sent to the customer’s registered mobile number with the Bank.
It is to be noted that Aadhaar Seeding Request’s will be processed by Andhra Bank subject to satisfactory verification of AADHAAR credential.

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