
Saturday, June 27, 2020

My Key Takeaway from the Chat between Mr.David Velez and Mr.Jitendra Gupta

          I was fortunate to be part of the chat between Mr.David Velez and Mr.Jitendra Gupta on 26th  June 2020.

          The theme of the Chat was ‘Insight’s from NUBank Journey’. Mr.David Velez, Founder and CEO, NUBank was the guest and Mr.Jitendra Gupta, Founder and CEO, Jupiter was the Host.

          There were multiple takeaways for the audience from the chat which lasted about 45 minutes.  

          The key takeaway for me is: -

A)   Choose the less travelled path, have patience and success will be besides you. NUBank started of its journey with a Credit Card product rather than a Debit Card product. This was a bit risky, as most of NEO Banks started their journey with a Debit Card.



Other minor takeaways are:

01) This saying attributed to Mahatma Gandhi occupies a place of pride in NUBank’s Head Office -- First, they will ignore you, then they will laugh at you, then they will fight you and then you win”

02) Company culture is an important pillar for the company’s growth. The founders should not deviate from the company’s culture.

03) Customers prefer free services over paid services.


Brief about NUBank:

01) 2013 – Founding Year

02)  2014 – Launch of International Mastercard Credit Card. NIL Fees and can be completely managed through a Mobile App

03)  2017 – Launch of its loyalty program -- NUBank Rewards. The reward points never expire. 30 days freelook period followed by fees.

04)  2017 - Launch of NuConta – Digital Account

05)   2018 – Launch of Debit Card

06)  2019 – Launch of Personal Loans  



Brief about Jupiter:


01) Built with LOVE in India

02)  On the way for a Beta Launch in India


If you too were part of the Chat, what is your takeaway?


Disclaimer: The takeaways are my personal opinion only.

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