
Showing posts with label Automated Fare Collection(AFC). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automated Fare Collection(AFC). Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

Riding the Digital Wave: RBI's PPI-MTS Revolutionizes Public Transport Payments


 Revolutionizing Digital Transactions in Public Transport: RBI's Amendment to Master Direction on Prepaid Payment Instruments


To boost digital transactions in Retail Transport i.e Local Metro Trains / City Buses / Rail Water Ways / Tolls Reserve Bank of India has proposed a new type of PPIs.

The full form of PPI is Pre-Paid Instruments. In simple terms, the transaction amount is already loaded into the PPI for the actual payment to be a success.


As is the norm, our regulator is well ahead of the times. Now it is up-to the participants to take this forward. The Go Live date is immediate.

The norms are very clear, the only caveat is that the said PPI-MTS App shall contain the respective Transit Systems Automated Fare Collection Application.

If the transit system does not have an AFC than it has to develop an AFC to avail the benefits of PPI-MTS.

These opens up a plethora of opportunities as local city bus corporations are yet to have a dedicated AFC

This requires a new blog post by itself.

Empowering Commuters: Unlocking the Potential of RBI's PPI-MTS in Indian Transit Systems

Date: February 26, 2024


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has once again taken a progressive step to boost digital transactions, particularly in the realm of public transport, through an amendment to the Master Direction on Prepaid Payment Instruments (MD-PPIs).

The amendment, identified as RBI/2023-24/126 CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S1092/02-14-006/2023-2024, dated February 23, 2024, is poised to transform the way commuters make payments for local metro trains, city buses, rail waterways, tolls, and more.


### Embracing the Digital Future of Transit: PPIs for Mass Transit Systems (PPI-MTS)


Public transport systems serve as lifelines for countless commuters daily. Recognizing the need for convenient, speedy, affordable, and secure digital payment options for transit services, RBI has opened the door for authorized banks and non-bank PPI issuers to introduce a new category of Prepaid Payment Instruments - PPIs for Mass Transit Systems (PPI-MTS).

Inclusive Transit: RBI's PPI-MTS Features That Make Digital Payments Accessible to All

#### Key Features of PPI-MTS:


1. **Automated Fare Collection Integration:**

   PPI-MTS applications shall integrate with the respective Transit Systems Automated Fare Collection (AFC) applications, ensuring seamless transactions for commuters.


2. **Applicability Across Various Modes:**

   PPI-MTS can be used for payments across different modes of public transport, including metro trains, buses, rail, waterways, tolls, and parking.


3. **KYC Exemption:**

   These PPIs can be issued without the need for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification of the holders, simplifying the onboarding process.


4. **Reloadable Nature:**

   PPI-MTS can be reloadable, providing users with the flexibility to add funds as needed.


5. **Financial Limits:**

   The outstanding amount in PPI-MTS shall not exceed Rs. 3,000 at any given time.


6. **Perpetual Validity:**

   PPI-MTS enjoys perpetual validity, exempting it from the provisions of validity and redemption mentioned in Section 13 of MD-PPIs.


7. **Restrictions on Cash Withdrawal and Funds Transfer:**

   Cash withdrawal, refunds, or funds transfer shall not be permitted through PPI-MTS.


From Cash to Contactless: RBI's PPI-MTS and the Future of Public Transport Payments

### Impact on Mass Transit Systems


This groundbreaking amendment opens up a world of possibilities for local transit systems, especially those lacking a dedicated Automated Fare Collection (AFC) application. Many city bus corporations, for instance, are yet to adopt AFC, creating opportunities for development and collaboration in this space.


### Understanding Mass Transit Systems


Mass transit systems play a crucial role in urban areas, offering efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly alternatives to private transportation. Whether owned by private companies or government agencies, these systems contribute to the overall efficiency and desirability of urban living.


In India, renowned mass transit systems include metro trains, local trains in cities like Mumbai and Chennai, and other public transport modes. However, popular local modes like Share Autos currently do not qualify as transit systems officially, raising intriguing questions about the potential involvement of ride-sharing services like Rapido, Uber, and Ola in the PPI-MTS ecosystem.


### Paving the Way for a Digital Transit Revolution


As the MD-PPIs amendment comes into immediate effect, it is now up to financial institutions, banks, and non-banks to leverage this opportunity and drive the adoption of PPI-MTS. The move aligns with the global trend of digitizing payment systems and promoting cashless transactions, further enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of public transportation.

Beyond Expiry Dates: The Perpetual Validity of RBI's PPI-MTS in Transit Payments

In future blog posts, we'll delve deeper into the potential involvement of ride-sharing services in PPI-MTS and explore the evolving landscape of digital transactions in the public transport sector. Stay tuned for more insights into this transformative journey towards a digital transit revolution.

Disclaimer: These are my personal thoughts only. The bottom line is Spreading the Joy of Safe ePayments. Nothing More – Nothing Less.

Safe and Stylish: Unveiling World SafeePay and Blouse Day Delights


The need for observing World SafeePay Day and World Blouse Day arises from the absence of dedicated global celebrations for these concepts.

World SafeePay Day aims to celebrate the joy of safe electronic payments in all financial transactions, representing an abstract celebration that highlights the significance of secure and efficient digital financial interactions.

As the world increasingly relies on electronic payment systems, having a designated day for SafeePay emphasizes the importance of secure and reliable digital financial transactions.


On the other hand, World Blouse Day seeks to celebrate the joys of wearing blouses in a more lively and visually impactful manner.

The concept involves a powerful display of togetherness, with millions of people stepping out wearing blouses based on a chosen theme.

This display celebration not only promotes a sense of unity but also serves as a unique and creative expression of shared identity through clothing.


The introduction of these days aligns with the United Nations' approach to designating specific days to raise awareness, promote action, and celebrate achievements related to various global issues.

While international days often focus on serious matters, World SafeePay Day and World Blouse Day offer a mix of abstract and lively celebrations, catering to the diverse interests and aspects of modern life.

In a world where electronic transactions and cultural expressions are integral parts of daily living, these designated days would contribute to fostering awareness and appreciation for safe ePayments and the joy of wearing blouses.



SafeePay's joy, transactions secure,

World Blouse Day, colors allure.

Digits dance, a digital delight,

Blouse themes bloom, in unity's light.




Sunday, April 19, 2015

10 Benefits of Axis Bank Kochi Metro AFC deal

          AFC stands for Automated Fare Collection. AFC’s in India are very familiar to commuters in various Metro’s across our country.

          The main aim of AFC is to convert the physical payments to electronic payments. Commuters prefer a payment mode which has the following attributes:

01) Ease of use.
02)         Safety of the transaction
03)         Speed of the transaction.

In the normal scenario the cost of AFCs are borne by the respective Metro Corporations.  The maintenance of the AFC System is also budgeted under the annual metro corporation finance outlay.

     Kochi Metro has undertaken a new approach for its AFC system.

     Under this system the tender winning consortium undertakes to set up the AFC System and also maintain it. 

Of course, there would be corresponding benefits to the winning consortium too..
Something that promotes or enhances well-being; an advantage

           10 Benefits of Axis Bank Kochi Metro AFC deal

01) India first ‘open loop’, smart card under India’s Ministry of Urban Development’s Common Mobility Card Project.

02)                  This is the first of its type eTransactions model in any Metro Rail system across the world.

03)                  The feel good feeling for this project has already started in the social media.

04)                  The same model can be adapted to the other various Metro Systems in and around Asia.

05)                  The winning Bank can look forward to sizeable float balances in the respective saving bank accounts.

06)                  Pioneer Safe eTransactions to the local population.

07)                  Introduce a new platform for the local commercial establishments.

08)                  Boost visibility across various platforms for the bank as well as the respective metro.

09)                  Introduce new revenue streams for the respective metro and associated commercial establishments.

10)  Lead to new innovative models to reduce the funding cost for public transport projects.


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