
Showing posts with label Data Privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Privacy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

India's Satyamevjayate – 10 differentiators for its success. Truth Alone Truimphs

The trending topic across all social media channels in Aamir Khan’s Satyamevjayate.

Well, he has lit the fire, and now there should be enough momentum to take it forward.
Otherwise, it will be just like other sparks, which have had a pre-mature death.
Yes, lots of planning, immense brain-storming, huge financial investments have gone into the program.
10 differentiators which I believe will ensure that this program is a mega-success.

  1. Huge peer expectations. The film fraternity has given wide thumps-up to the initial episode. All the episodes have already been canned, so online course correction will not be there.

  1. Mega public expectations. All Star Group TV channels were inundated with the Program promos, building up the excitement.

  1. Aamir’s attitude to be different.

  1. The ‘Think Big Strategy’, of the whole program. If the message goes through, it will be an immense boost to Aamir and Sponsors. If the message fails the downside is minimal.

  1. Show Timing i.e. 11 am on Sundays, folks have gotten up, had a sumptuous brunch, motivating them to focus on the Show. And, this is the beginning of the financial year; 2012-13 targets are still being finalized.

  1. Duration of the show i.e. Only 13 episodes. As the number is already announced viewers’ stickiness is ensured. Highlighting the number of episodes in advance conveys the message that the duration of the program is short n sweet.

  1. Sponsors willingness to experiment new viewer engagement techniques especially on the social media.

  1. Difficulty in replicating a similar program in the near future.

  1. Pan-India appeal of the issues showcased in the Program.

  1. Aamir’s willingness to share space with relevant field-experts I.e. the spotlight is not on the Presenter i.e. Aamir, but on the issue.

"Satyameva Jayate" (satyam-eva jayate सत्यमेव जयते; literal English: Truth Stands Invincible) is a Hindu mantra from the ancient scripture Mundaka Upanishad.

Upon independence of India, it was adopted as the national motto of India.

It is inscribed in Devanagari script at the base of the national emblem

Saturday, December 17, 2011

e-insurance in India April 2012 Deadline

IRDA is working to put life policies in electronic form.
April 2012 is the deadline for insuance companies to start issuing insurance policies in electronic form.
To meet this deadline, "Stock Holding Corporation, Central Depository Services Ltd, NSDL, Karvy Computers and Computer Age Management Services are working with the insures and the regulator to put in place the procedure and iron out any possible issues that may arise in the process," Sohanlal Kadel, president, Insurance Brokers Association of India said in Kolkata on Friday.
The rollout plan is as under: -
In the first phase, Life Insurance Policies will be issued electronically. This is because, most of the terms and conditions of life insurance policies are similar making it  easier for all the players to adopt dematerialisation for such policies.
The next phase will be for general insurance policies/motor policies and health covers.
The major challenge would be in introducing dematerialisation for general insurance covers.
Majority of  large General insurance covers are tailor-mode with the terms and conditions varying for each client. Hence, a large number of permutations and combinations have to be incorporated into the demat system, which might delay the introduction of e-insurance policies for large general insurance covers.
The relevant guideline by IRDA on introducing e-insurance was floated by IRDA in early 2010.

IRDA’s Guidelines in a nutshell for issuing policies electronically: - 

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) have laid down guidelines for issuing policies electronically which should reduce transaction costs and ensure swift modifications in policies. They even issued the guidelines for repositories, which compile and store data about policyholders on behalf of the insurance companies.
The IRDA said, “The objective of creating an insurance repository is to provide policyholders a facility to keep insurance policies in an electronic form and to undertake changes, modifications and revisions in the insurance policy with speed and accuracy. All such insurance policies in electronic form shall be treated as valid insurance contracts”.
According to the guidelines insurers issuing e-insurance policies shall have to take the services of a registered repository. A certified insurance repository has to have a net worth of at least Rs 25 crore, without any foreign investment, and wherein no insurance company can hold over 10% or hold any managerial position.
“The insurance repository before commencing the operations shall put in place measures to safeguard the privacy of the data maintained and adequate systems to prevent manipulation of records and transactions,” the IRDA said..
As a safe ePayments motivator, I believe that this change in issuance of insurance policies will not only benefit insurance players but also aid in increasing value for ePayments.
As sensitive information is part of the Insurance policies, the insurance companies and the insurance repositories must develop adequate security policies to,
01) ensure that no personal information is leaked.
02) the computer network is not hacked
03) ensure that employees are aware of the distinction of ‘private information’ and ‘need-to-know’, information


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