
Showing posts with label Indian Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian Bank. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Indian Bank joins IMPS with soft launch

Indian Bank joins IMPS with soft launch

The punch line of Indian Bank is ‘Taking Banking Technology to the common man’, and keeping this in mind, Indian Bank embraced IMPS on 22/02/2011.

Like most Indian Banks, Indian Bank too has its roots in the pre-independence era.

Indian bank was founded by Annamalai and Ramaswami Chettiar in 1907. This was in response to the financial crash faced by two leading trading companies in Madras, Arbuthnot's and Binny's.

One important nugget of Indian Bank is that Mrs.Ranjana Kumar was the first woman to become head of a public sector bank in India. At the time of her appointment, the Indian Bank was saddled with huge losses, and during her tenure she ensured the turnaround of the Indian Bank. 
She took up the challenge of leading Indian Bank, when other prospective candidates dithered.

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