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Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Please accept #UPI as a donation payment mode Please accept #UPI as a donation payment mode

 has two major types of donations. One is a generic donation towards itself, and the other is a donation to promote a specific petition. These are also known as ‘Promoted Petitions’.

The full FAQs of  ‘Promoted Petitions’ can be read @ has tied up with ‘Stripe’, to process the donations. In India, respective petition supporters can only donate via a Credit Card. There is no other donation mode.

Yes, #UPI is not a donation payment mode. This is very much surprising. UPI is very, very popular in India, and should accept petition specific donations through UPI too.

At the same time, Change.Org accepts generic donations via UPI. Razorpay is the payment processor for generic donations.

This means it should not be difficult for Change.Org to incorporate UPI as a donation mode for ‘Promoted Petitions’ too.


Disclaimer: These are my personal views only. The bottom line is Mission #LessCashNotCashLess

Additional reading material - Need even more people to see your petition?



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